From Mass Medium to Niche Medium
PDF of our article from the special issue of Comicalités (2020) on bédéphilia.
This article draws on a study of 42,248 advertisements in the What Were Comics? corpus in order to analyze changing conceptions about comic book readership. We suggest that four distinct periods can be found in the history of advertising in comic books.
What Kind of Studies is Comics Studies?
Benjamin Woo’s chapter from The Oxford Handbook of Comics Book Studies, edited by Frederick Luis Aldama (Oxford University Press, 2019).
This chapter, by Benjamin Woo, details the various uses that Comics Studies has found for comics theory. The chapter specifically outlines our thinking about extant theorizations of the comics page and shows how these theories influenced the design of our own study.
Two Percent of What?
Preprint of our chapter from the volume Empirical Comics Research: Digital, Multimodal, and Cognitive Methods (Routledge, 2018).
This chapter formally outlines the processes that we used to create the What Were Comics? Sampling Frame and to randomize the What Were Comics? Corpus. It also provides our rationale for approaching the study of comics through the lens of typicality.